I don't have much to blog about...
Still waiting to get the photos during ECS Presentation...
Uploading videos to photobucket so that you guys can view the presentation.. though only 2 videos.
So lets start with others la...
Well, the next photo is more interesting!.. haha!
Guess who's hands are those?
Oh.. this a random 1...
I have nothing much to blog.
Yeah, finals this coming week. Hopefully is ok with me..
Last but not least, I might be going to FEI LUN HAI's Concert. Thanks to Milk Milk.. haha!
P/S: Support Earth Hour
P/S 2: Good luck to all Jan Intake TBF students on Finals!
signing off
ahahahahahaha the second photo feel so gay if guy with guy x( sorry x)
FEI LUN HAI's Concert COOL!!
yes... is guy with guy... my friend.. haha!?!??!?!?!?!
milk milk again.. is meow la ..not milk milk...!!!!
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