
March 23, 2009

I’m a Musicon Celebrity thanks to Maxis Broadband (Part 2)

It's been quite a few day sine i posted the Part 1.
Let's finish this up.
Music Bash is just round the corner, and I still want to go!
Get me a ticket today!

Well, this post includes 3 videos.

This video suck i guess, Rivers Flow in You by Yiruma.
Just trying hard to play it. *grrrrrr*

Now comes my own compositions.
Enjoy it. And ya, i need comments.
And to Music Bash judges, Listen and give me the grand prize. LoL.

The piece of music named, Nightly Op. 1 by Chris.Tan
Name was given by Loong Sheng. TQ


This, It's Time to Come by Chris.Tan

Hopefully the pieces are good.
I'm not a pro pianist though. Sorry about that.
Comments please.

Thank you
signing off


Anonymous said...

that was great! u played rivers flow in you very well =) and i prefer its time to come compared to the other one..but its good tho'.good job!

Chris.Tan said...

@grace: arigato gozaimasu... hahaha...

PiggYrOx said...

You played river flows in you not bad.Gopy my ending,and still lose to me =p I am just kidding for the both thingy ,you are much better than me T_T and OMG OMG OMG I LOVE YOUR COMPOSITIONS,NIGHT OP.1 AND ITS TIME TO COME. AKU MAU SCORESSS!

Chris.Tan said...

@piggy: lol.... the scores for all my composition there's nil.. haha.. becaue i basically remember it.. haha ROFLMAO.. btw.. thanks! Tell your frineds about it.. hahha.. it don't hit 1500000 viewers, i'm not gonna give u the ori video.. haha blek!

Cathy said...

i like its time to come...nice nice....OMG...and i didnt know that you know how to play piano so well la...aikz...nice nice....

Chris.Tan said...

@cathy: lol.. all the girls love It's Time to Come.. hahaha.... you didn't know? because u just know me.. hahaha.... thanks for your comments... let your friends know.. hahaha

PiggYrOx said...

I downloaded those videos =P yerrr! nil?evilllll,just use some computer programs and make the scores! I WANT!

Chris.Tan said...

@piggy: i gonna sue u.. hahah! do the scores? er.. i got Encore. .but lazy to do.. hahaha.

๑ × * V ι с к ι έ * × ๑™ said...

nice compositions chris! im impressed. love them all

Chris.Tan said...

@vickie: TQ.. hahaha

Śťâŕ said...

Three songs also played beautifully.. such a marvelous work. Great job... Keep out the good work!!

Chris.Tan said...

@star: thanks!

Jaywin@k@Jay-Z said...

Nice compositions chris...din noe tat u noe how to play the piano so well...great job...keep up the gud work!!!=)

Chris.Tan said...

@jaywin: thanks!

HitoMi Ng said...

So sad can...my speaker rosak dah...cannot listen...

But frm the comments, sounds like very good!! and are you studying music courses??


thiS is Mine...guess wont be as good as yours

Chris.Tan said...

@hitomi: lol.... speaker rosak ar? when ok then go my youtube to watch it lo... haha... i'm not studying any music courses. LoL... btw.. mind to intro? i don't seem to know u.. hahaha

HitoMi Ng said...

haha..how would you know me??

just visiting your blog for like 3 or four times only haha!!

Have you got your tickets to the Music Bash??

Chris.Tan said...

hahaha... i got my tickets to music bash.. hahaha

HitoMi Ng said...

Cool!! yea, just managed to listen to your compositions.

You wanna listen to my 2cents??

For the Nightly op.1 is totally classical work. Good thing is you remind me of classical haha... I forgot it for real man!!

See alot of climbing jumping around. Love those parts. Very classically played...

However, one thing i realize about your piece is there is no fixed theme. As in, you use alot of motives on and off. you played them once and that's just it. no repetition for any motive. I feel the messiness but at the same time impressive since it was the first time listening to it.

You learned piano for quite some time right?? You utilise the whole 88keys wei!! that is something I have not done thus far haha

You did the modulations on and off. Yea, nicely done. I not good in modulating keys but you did it pretty well...

Oki. back to the second one, it is time to come. This is more like POp. this one is more tidy but not much surprise as the first one did. So overall, I would say the Nightly op.1 is better.

hey, add me in msn la!! ahyo88@hotmail.com - let's compose something man!!

HitoMi Ng said...

okie...signing off here...

gotta catch sleep before music bash!! see you there haha!!

Chris.Tan said...

hey... haha...
ya... nigthly is classical... and i didn't choose to repeat the main ideas because this piece actually have many different section. Not only one. So, i don't want to repeat it.

mostly pianist love nightly.

About It's time to come, yes, it's pop... and there's main idea and there's no other section.

And to summarise it, Nightly is a classical piece which is more to sad mood and It's Time to come is more to the happy mood.

I will see you on Music Bash... haha... Hope to see you soon. Chat on msn.

HitoMi Ng said...

how long you have been learning piano??

what you play show that at least you have the standard of grade 5 or higher perhaps...

true, most of the pianists would love nightly. But it lacks something to me. so overall it is impressive. Good job dude

Chris.Tan said...

@hitomi: lol.. i'm grade 8. Completed actually... haha... been playing piano since the age of 6 but i didn't like it at 1st, but eventually i love it.. haha

yapthomas said...

Liked the beginning of Nightly Op. 1.
Otherwise, It's Time To Come is also a nice piece.

Would love to see you go further with your composing.. ;)

Keep it up...

Chris.Tan said...

@thomas: lol... thanks!... i will do more recordings when i'm free... TQ

'SaLm0n FisHy'... said...

i love the instrumental of 1st songs u play...!!

for urself compose songs..
2nd songs//Loong sheng..
it was great actaully..
kinda feel bit sadness n touchin there...!!
indeed it gt diff climax & changes of d instrumental it was sumthing new i guess for me to hear so!!
compare d 2nd n 3rd i like 2nd more..
bt 3rs songs sounded more like a song..2nd would be a performance of instrument..
duno..i jus think so..hee!
ur skill of piano was undenialable!!
gred 8?
mann...since aged of 6! awesome~~
hoo..u'r a nuffnang-ian??
hee..i wish to go music bash aso!! heard of it ady..u gt ticket ??
invite me go la..hahaha~~~~
wat d grand prize actually? sounded interesting!!

o.O Snakey Salmon Fishy O.o

Chris.Tan said...

@salmon: THANK YOU very much for your comments. Refers to your question, yes, I'm Grade 8. and I'm a Nuffnanger.
Music bash, yes, i'm going. I've invited my friend. So sorry. You will have the chance to join next time. Ask your friends about it. LOL


'SaLm0n FisHy'... said...

mayb soon i wil join to b Nuffnanger..too many my fren was!
i using Ad sense now..
music bash at Maison..i nvr been b4..lol!
nex time? i wonder..
haaa...i gt to know from hitomi..
bt she gt partner ady..so too bad!~~
who will u imitate on tat nite?

o.O Snakey Salmon Fishy O.o

Chris.Tan said...

come and join the nuffnanger family then.. hahaha.... i didn't imitate anyone... i went to the music bash as myself.. haha