Old photos with sweet/ great memories.
I found this photos in my old pc... is like long lost photos.
I remembered, i transferred all the to new, but then idk.

*this is in year 2005, prefect though.

*2005 , Desmond, Chris, and Ji Shen

*Desmond looked retard

*Ji Shen being cute?

*day dream?

*aaron and boon how

*ji shen with his gun i guess.. can't really remember.. haha

*Swee Fong if not mistaken, An Drew took this photo during break i guess

*Lua with great hand gesture. HAHA

*Jason Lee

*Neil fixing MIC, An Drew fixing PA System...

*2P2? 2005

*Mokana and Leon

*+ Tew

*Neil giving ikrar pelajar.
All the photos above is in year 2005! (Form 2)

* Jovi?

The photos coming up next is really fun and cute... hahaha so enjoy it
is all about ji shen in Form 3 preparing for PMR.

*we are preparing for the war!

*Last day of form 3? (Jishen, Hoo, Melvin, and Joshua [look! how fat is he]
Next will be FRIM trip by Prefectorial Board of 2005.
Quite fun i guess...

*in photo: Aaron, Shezwan( did i spell correctly?), me, ivan ng, and etc

*khai wynn, khiew, lam, bryan, mokana

*dillion, gajen, sharanes (i spell correctly?) danny, kana, nicholas, mark, and lee hsiang

*pravendran, too blur!

After jungle trekking... nice water...
Is part of the memories that really put a great impact on everyone though.
Money $$ can't buy back all this memories!
If and only If we can turn back the clock and have another time of fun.
But, move forward and gain even greater memories!
and keep those we treasure!
signing off
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