
October 4, 2009

The Predicted Last Advice from the PAST

Well, today is Mid-Autumn, just that we still need to consider this.

"Having a thought just does not mean anything.
Just being in front of someone does not mean you are visible.
Rather of sleeping than talking, rather of silence than speaking.
Many things, just not to be solved, just to be problems.

Moving, leaving and getting over it will be a better day ahead.
Even the day is clear but full with obstacles to overcome.
Nothing more than being at the dark side.
Even with the best sceneries, it just cannot take it in.
Moving back to past just creates more problems.

Once something has been decided, not much can be done.
But just the willingness to wait.
Time passes and darken the life by the worst scenario.

In the darkness of every single thing, a beam of light would appears to help and create more hope.
Hope that is not virtual but hope of encouragement to move on.
when we are in this, more values will we get.
Values that overcome almost everything we face.

With the values of courage, would bring you move further to happiness.
So, everything happens for a reason and everything help in one way of another.

Hoping that you will understand.

P/S: Recorded new song. Will post asap!

Signing off

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