
November 4, 2009

Glazing at the SKY

Hey readers, this is a very random post.
Just only complete my ACC's tutorial which I can't balance the final question.
I am wondering where did it went wrong? *thinking deeply*
Since I cannot get to spot where is the error, well, as tutor tomorrow.

Tomorrow, will be recording a song.
Because to make something interesting. I should have recorded today! *shit!*
Anyway, composed another 2 new songs.
Both in C Major but one with modulation to A Minor towards the end.
While the other is only C Major throughout the song.

But honestly, I prefer the 2nd song more than the 1st song.
I do not know why but 2nd song do have some changes and improvement.
My acompliment changed in the 2nd song. I think it gave the song some interesting background.
Well, i think i should not say more before I record it.
Hope it will surprise every one when I post it up.
Or maybe, my loyal fans can comment on my progression.
Because they been following my music since the 1st recording, so they might get to comment.

Till then, I will keep those 2 songs as suspends.


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P/s 2: Any matters or enquiry regards to this blog, may send to ctyh.blog@gmail.com

Signing off

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